"At the highest level, yoga is a secret state of union within supreme love, bestowed by divinity, who is also subsumed in this union. Indeed yoga is the power of love that transforms the heart and to which even divinity submits."
Graham M. Schweig
What is Earth Energy Yoga®?
Earth Energy Yoga® is a unique system of yoga based on the natural processes and energies of the Earth, positive psychology, ancient Goddess Wisdom, and Modern Law of Attraction Teachings. It is designed to help every individual develop their own unique connection to their inner healer, intuition, and be all they came here to be.
In the modern world, people think of yoga as a form of physical exercise.
These poses, called asanas, are aimed at creating an inner state of union to support the human being in soulful evolution and attaining higher realms.
Earth Energy Yoga® works with the four elements and their powers.

✧ Grounding
✧ Establish structures that allow your creativity to flow
✧ Structure Grounding/Stability
✧ Sacred Darkness, Mysteries of Nighttime
✧ Incubation - Growth Here is Subtle
✧ Silence/Stillness/Settling
✧ Wisdom Within - Meditation
✧ Inspiration
✧ Insight
✧ Creativity
✧ Breath
✧ Fresh Perspective
✧ Flight
✧ Intelligence
✧ Renewal
✧ Big Picture Thinking
✧ Rising Above Circumstance
✧ Wildness

✧ Warmth
✧ Nurturing
✧ Igniting potentials
✧ Light
✧ Burning up what no longer serves
✧ Passion
✧ Digestion
✧ Rejuvenation
✧ Flow
✧ Leading Like Water - Grace rather than force
✧ Channel the flow of events to your advantage
✧ Carving new paths
✧ Bringing nutrients where they're needed
✧ Oceanic Rhythms

Custom-tailored to your needs and what you are manifesting at this moment.
Earth Energy Yoga® is currently offered via Zoom or in-person in Orange County, California.
Also available for special events. If you’d like to learn more about Earth Energy Yoga®, inquire here or book a call below:
Who Is It For?
People who want to . . .
Feel confident and stand in your power.
Decrease stress. Increase calm.
Release destructive thoughts and feelings.
Cultivate gratitude, joy, and pleasure.
Deepen your connection to nature and learn how to feel supported by the Earth.
Receive cosmic insights from the infinite potentiality of the divine and higher celestial bodies.
Feel comfortable in your own skin and learn to rejoice in the body you have.
Increase your strength and flexibility - both physically and mentally.
Make consistent daily choices that support your overall wellbeing.
Sign up here to learn more about Earth Energy Yoga:
Earth Energy Yoga® has been featured at
The National Animal Rights Conference in the U.S. and
Minding Animals, India 2015.